Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mitch Hedburg

Tomorrow will be 7 years since Mitch Hedburg passed away

These are a few of his best :) enjoy

Monday, March 26, 2012

~Push Away The Darkness The Origin~

     Some of us have a natural tendency towards sarcasm and negativity. It would be so easy to take the easy path and go through life only feeding your soul with the tiny morsel of enjoyment making fun of others brings.  

     The problem though is that no matter how much enjoyment you get from others pain, eventually you are left with no trusting friends, and a hole of a soul to fill.  
   I like the quote "never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream" ~Malcolm Muggeridge~.  Be yourself, but be the better part of you.  If you are like me then you have to make an effort every single day to be the better part of yourself.  If you let yourself slide into the easy path of negativity, you open your eyes every morning thinking "ugh, not again".  
    So for anyone who has ever wondered, why I spend so much time trying to make the people I can reach smile; It is because making you smile, is how I fight away my darkness.
    It's funny how something so trivial can make you examine yourself.  A friend of mine was having a bad day once, and almost as a joke I made up a psychological exercise to help her smile again.  I told her: 

Close your eyes

now picture everything that's wrong
all the pain
all the negativity
everything you can't control
as a cold dark fog surrounding you
now picture yourself
you are a warm glowing light
take all your positive energy and burn brighter
brighter and brighter
now push away the darkness

       What is funny about that is I was being sarcastic,  but I did it with her and realized I felt better.  I thought to myself 'could it really be that easy?  Can I just MAKE myself more positive?'  So I started making a diligent effort every single day to push positive thoughts in, and leave no room for the negative.  Anyone that knows me is rolling their eyes right now, because I failed every single day at staying positive, and I know that.  My point is this, I don't wake up wishing I could just go back to sleep forever anymore.... and that is a step forward.  So I am gonna keep trying to make you smile, because that is the only way I know to "Push Away The Darkness"

"The only disability in life is 
a bad attitude."

Scott Hamilton 

P.S. Don't be mean this is my first attempt :-